In the world of premium whisky, few names shine as brightly as Chivas Regal and Johnnie Walker Black Label whisky.
These classics share a common origin, originating in grocery stores, and have garnered devoted followings worldwide. Both are blended Scotch whiskies and both are 12 years old.
Chivas 12 Fresh fruit, cherries, flowers and faint dry wood. Cinnamon and vanilla.
Black Label Faint smoke, red berries, Christmas puddings toffee and hints of winter spice.
Chivas 12 Toasted oak, spice, malt and berry sweetnes. Creamy toffee
Black Label Smoke, bold peat, red fruit, citrus flowers, oak and malt. Hints of winter spice.
Chivas 12 Medium length with notes of pepper spice and lemon rind with hints of sweetness.
Black Label Long and lingering. Fruity sweetness, citrus peel, vanilla and warming pepper spice.
The Johnnie Walker Black Label offers a bold experience. The peat, toffee sweetness and spices complement each other perfectly. It is well-balanced and inviting.
Chivas is known for its fruity sweetness balanced with toasted oak, malt and toffee notes. Chivas Regal is softer with a more fruity sweetness and warming toasted oak notes that offer a smooth, more gentle experience.